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Rural Workforce Development through Online Programming

At the Human Computer Interaction Lab at West Virginia University, we ask how we might use A.I. to empower rural workers? The HCI Lab uses a human centered design to create intelligent tools that empower workers to develop their skills and earn higher wages. The Statler College collaborates with local libraries to provide rural adults with the infrastructure that they need to develop their digital skills and build new careers.

Affiliated Faculty

Recent Publications

These need turned into actual citations

  1. Savage, S., Chiang, C.W., Saito, S., Toxtli, C., Bigham, J. (2020). Becoming the super turker: Increasing wages via a strategy from high earning workers, Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.

  2. Toxtli, C., Richmond-Fuller, A., Savage, S., (2020). Reputation Agent: Prompting Fair Reviews in Gig Markets, Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 1228-1240

  3. Saviaga, C., Li, Y., Hanrahan, B., Bigham, J., Savage, S.. (2020). The Challenges of Crowd Workers in Rural and Urban America, Human computation. 

  4. Toxtli, C., Savage, S., (2020) Enabling Expert Critique at Scale with Chatbots and Micro-Guidance, ACHI: Advances in Computer-Human Interactions 2020.

  5. Hanrahan, B.V,. Ma, N.F., Betanzos. E., Savage, S. (2020). Reciprocal Research: Providing Value in Design Research from the Outset in the Rural United States, ICTD:Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development 2020.

  6. Chiang, C.W., Kasunic, A., Savage, S., (2018). Crowd Coach: Peer Coaching for Crowd Workers' Skill Growth, CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2018.